Have your say
Current consultation projects
How to use this table:
- Read the Overview to get an understanding of the project, the scope of the consultation and to access any supporting documents.
- Click on the link in the Overview to access any associated online consultations (e.g. surveys).
- Note opening and closing dates for community feedback.
- Check back after closing dates to see if the report has been published yet.
Project and Status | Overview | Open Date | Close Date |
Council Pop-Ups | Councillors and Council Officers will be in attendance (subject to weather) at the following community events in 2025, and will be available to respond to enquiries and requests for information from community members. There may also be opportunities for the community to provide input on specific projects under consultation. Council Pop-Up Dates: Saturday, 5 April 2025 - Mulgowie Markets Saturday, 10 May 2025 - Ma Ma Creek Markets Saturday, 5 July 2025 - Laidley Show Friday 18 & Saturday 19 July 2025 - Gatton Show | 2/02/2025 | 19/07/2025 |
Laidley Saleyards Working Group | Council called for expressions of interest from local cattle producers to join a Laidley Saleyards Working Group (LSWG). The call out came in response to community concerns and feedback about Council's recent decision to close the Laidley Saleyards. Expressions of interest for the LSWG closed Sunday, 20 October 2024. Following Council's announcement of its decision, Council met with a range of stakeholders to investigate solutions that could potentially see a saleyard continue to operate sustainably within the region. The LSWG has been established to discuss and explore a range of potential options to support the local cattle industry in response to the significant compliance issues identified at the site. Please visit Engagement Hub for more information. | 27/09/2024 |
Closed Consultation Projects
Project and Status | Overview | Open Date | Close Date |
Public Notice - Proposal to Make a Subordinate Local Law CLOSED | At its recent Ordinary Council Meeting, Council proposed amendments to Subordinate Local Law No. 1.3, which would allow residential use of caravans in limited circumstances.
The proposed amendments would allow (without the need for an approval) landowners or occupiers to let family or friends reside in a caravan on their property for up to six months in a 12-month period. The proposed amendments also include allowing the use of a temporary home (not a Class 10a building) on a vacant lot for up to two weeks in any 52-week period without approval from Council. Several conditions would apply, with the proposed amendments being in effect until 31 December 2027. Written submissions by anyone in support of, or objecting to, the proposed Amendment Subordinate Local Law No. 1 were invited from 13 February 2025 to 7 March 2025, inclusive. | 13/02/2025 | 7/03/2025 |
Lockyer Valley Liveability Survey CLOSED | Lockyer Valley residents are invited to participate in the 2025 Lockyer Valley Liveability Survey—your chance to shape the future of our community. Take just 15 minutes to rate your neighbourhood, share your thoughts, and provide ideas for improvement. Your input will directly influence decisions about our community’s development. Your voice matters. Together, we can make Lockyer Valley an even better place to live, work, and visit. The survey closed on 16 February 2025. | 13/01/2025 | 16/02/2025 |
Draft Waste Management Strategy 2024-2030
CLOSED | The community was invited to review and provide submissions to Lockyer Valley Regional Council’s Waste Management Strategy 2024-2030 between Thursday, 19 September 2024 and Sunday, 27 October 2024. For more information visit Engagement Hub. Submissions have now closed. | 19/09/2024 | 27/10/2024 |
Lockyer Waters Community Centre CLOSED | Lockyer Valley Regional Council is preparing to replace the aged Alex Geddes Hall with the new Lockyer Waters Community Centre. Council has prepared a design based on feedback from community representatives that are closely connected with the existing hall, with consideration of the needs of the community that were identified throughout the 2022 flood events. More information is available on the Engagement Hub project page. UPDATE: The new Lockyer Waters Community Centre was officially opened on Saturday, 31 August. View the media release here. | 31/08/2023 | 31/08/2024 |
Social and Community Infrastructure Survey CLOSED | Our community is growing, and Council wants to ensure we have the buildings, facilities and spaces required to meet the needs of the Lockyer Valley for the next 20 years. To help us better understand and plan for the region’s social and community infrastructure requirements, now and into the future, we want to hear from you! Complete the community consultation survey below and help shape advocacy and planning for infrastructure and spaces that support recreation, learning, social gatherings, health, the arts, safer places during disasters, and other activities. These types of community facilities are important to maintaining and improving our wellbeing and quality of life, so have your say now! Submissions closed at 5pm on 7 April 2024. | 25/03/2024 | 7/04/2024 |
Community Views on Waste Management Survey CLOSED | Council wants to understand community views, values and attitudes on aspects of waste management that can assist in the preparation of a new Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan (Plan). This will help align the new Plan with existing and emerging values and preferences, ensuring the Plan meets the needs of the community into the future. The next phase of engagement will present a Draft Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan that has been informed by the results of this survey and which would include more detailed and specific proposals. Submissions closed at 5pm on 13 December 2023. The report from this consultation is available here. | 22/11/2023 | 13/12/2023 |
Lockyer Valley's Planning Scheme CLOSED | Council remains committed to moving forward with our new planning scheme for the whole of the region. This is about a consistent approach to how we regulate and facilitate development across the region. The purpose of consultation was to gain insights and thoughts from the community on the proposed new draft scheme prior to considering all submissions, responding and referring back to the State Government. The consultation period has now closed. For more information visit Draft Planning Scheme - Lockyer Valley Regional Council. | 02/08/2023 | 06/10/2023 |
Laidley Recreation Reserve - Softball Facility Naming CLOSED | Council is seeking name suggestions for the Softball Facility at Laidley Recreation Reserve. Do you know an individual or group that should have the softball facility named in their honour? Council is seeking suggestions for the name of a community member or group that has contributed considerably to Laidley and has significant community standing. Submissions closed on 1 October 2023. The outcome of this consultation is available here. | 11/09/2023 | 01/10/2023 |
Relocation of Flood-Impacted Park Equipment CLOSED | Several parks in the Lockyer Valley are frequently flooded by rising waterways or fast-flowing overland run-off which results in repeated damage to equipment in those parks. This is a costly recurring issue and Council will commence relocating usable equipment to other nearby parks to ensure the community continues to enjoy appropriate facilities, without incurring unnecessary costs. Council has listened to community feedback and has reassessed this project, focusing on retaining as much infrastructure in identified parks as feasible. You are encouraged to explore the various sections on Engagement Hub to understand which parks and what equipment is within the project scope. | 23/08/2023 | 19/09/2023 |
Ropehill Community Sports Centre - Oval 2 Naming CLOSED | Council is seeking name suggestions for Oval 2 at Ropehill Community Sports Centre. Do you know an individual or group that should have the oval named in their honour? Council is seeking suggestions for the name of a community member or group that has contributed considerably to Ropehill and has significant community standing. Submissions closed on 3 September 2023. The outcome of this consultation was decided at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 25 October 2023. The minutes of the meeting can be found here. | 14/08/2023 | 03/09/2023 |
Register on EngagementHub - Council's online consultation platform for large projects
Council's online consultation platform hosts a range of opportunities for the local community to have their say on larger projects. Some sections will require registration to ensure Council is hearing from people with a genuine stake in local initiatives, while other sections will be open for anyone to respond to.
To ensure you don't miss any opportunity to HAVE YOUR SAY, register now! Please note Council uses a variety of platforms for consultation.
Commitment to Community Engagement
Lockyer Valley Regional Council is committed to enhancing how it engages with the community. Through undertaking engagement Council aims to:
- provide useful information to the public
- build Council and community connections
- maximise community participation in decision making.
Engagement is not a one-way process. It provides an opportunity for the community to let Council know what is important and to find better ways to work together to achieve the region's shared vision.
In undertaking community engagement, Council is guided by the following:
Engagement Opportunities
Lockyer Valley Regional Council undertakes a number of community engagement initiatives to seek input, consult with and/or inform the public about a range of issues, plans, projects, and service delivery changes and developments.
Information about engagement opportunities can be accessed via:
- Council's website
- by contacting Council's Customer Service Centre on 1300 005 872
- online at Customer Live Chat
- emailing engagement@lvrc.qld.gov.au.
Some significant projects are promoted from time to time in Council publications such as Council Highlights or in public notices in local papers. Budget considerations, lead time and applicable legislative requirements will influence the extent and methods chosen to advertise public consultations/engagement opportunities.
Council additionally holds a number of events throughout the year, which provide an opportunity for community and Council to connect and share information. For information about upcoming events, please see Council's events calendar.
6 Great Reasons to Get Involved
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