Entries now open for Garden Competition
Lockyer Valley Regional Council is proud to again launch its annual Garden Competition.
With entries now open, residents sporting green thumbs can enter their prized possessions and be ready for spring and the upcoming Laidley Spring Festival.
Council's Mayor Tanya Milligan encouraged those who had a passion for gardening to enter.
So many properties in the Lockyer Valley have gardens that clearly take their owners a considerable amount of effort and their results are truly stunning.
This competition is about recognising the fruits of their labour and I would encourage anyone who holds a passion for gardening to place an entry, Mayor Milligan said.
Mayor Milligan said Council was thrilled to welcome back renowned gardening expert and judge Rod Hultgren.
Judging will kick off in late August with great prizes up for grabs, including a $250 voucher for the Grand Champion and other impressive prizes for each category.
If you are a proud gardener you should enter this competition, she said.
To enter, simply complete an entry form which can be collected from Council's office in either Gatton or Laidley, or download from Council's website.
All entrants will be invited to attend a presentation morning tea, to be held on Tuesday 6 September at the Lockyer Valley Cultural Centre, where all winners will be announced.
Categories include:
1. Large Rural Garden (more than acre)
2. Small Rural Garden (less than acre)
3. Large Town Garden (more than acre)
4. Small Town Garden (less than acre)
5. First Time Entrant Award
6. Best Street Appeal
7. Business, Health Service ,Community Group
8. School/Child Care Centre Garden
9. Best Waterwise Garden (Drought Resistant)
Entries for the competition close on Monday 22 August. Please find the entry form below.
For more information on the Lockyer Valley Garden Competition contact the Lake Apex Visitor Information Centre in Gatton on 5466 3425 or visit the Luvyalockyer website for details.