Abilities Unleashed coming to the Lockyer Valley
It’s set to be a fun and inclusive day focused on sport and active recreation when Abilities Unleashed comes to the Lockyer Valley in September.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council is pumped to host the event, which forms part of the “Sport for all in the Lockyer Valley” Program, funded by the Australian Sports Commission and in partnership with Disability Sports Australia.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council’s Sport and Recreation Portfolio Councillor Anthony Wilson said this initiative provided a sporting pathway for people living with a physical, intellectual, or sensory disability.
“This event is all about offering our residents, both children and adults, who are often left out of mainstream physical activity the chance to experience the joy of participating, thanks to adaptive equipment and the necessary modifications.
“We want to motivate and enable participants to discover local active opportunities within a fun, safe, and inclusive environment.
“Participants will have the opportunity to experience a variety of sport and active recreation activities on the day – all under the one roof – so please register and secure your place now,” Cr Wilson said.
WHAT: Abilities Unleashed
WHEN: Tuesday 10 September, 10am – 1pm
WHERE: Lockyer Valley Sports and Aquatic Centre
Registrations are required. To register, visit:
Adults - www.activateinclusion.com.au/events/lockyer-valley-abilities-unleashed-adults
Kids - www.activateinclusion.com.au/events/lockyer-valley-abilities-unleashed-kids
This project has received grant funding from the Australian Government managed by the Australian Sports Commission.