Lockyer Valley Libraries’ impressive collection has recently hit a milestone.
Residents now have access to more than 60,000 items for their enjoyment.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council’s Libraries and Galleries Portfolio Councillor, Julie Reck said Council’s 60,499 items comprised a variety of platforms.
“We have everything from eAudiobooks and eBooks, eMagazines and eMovies, as well as the traditional physical loans including audiobooks, DVDs, magazines, literacy kits, CDs, seeds and toys.
“Physical items account for 76 per cent of all loans, while electronic items account for 24 per cent.
“It’s wonderful to see that in January alone, our Libraries processed more than 13,000 loans – which was an increase of 2.3 per cent from the last month.
“We also have 13,645 active library members and welcomed 178 new library members in January.
“Amazingly, we had more than 11,000 visits throughout January, with 7500 of those coming through the doors at our Gatton Library, and close to 3500 in Laidley.
“Our Libraries provides access to a diverse range of collections, services and activities that support literacy, recreation and enjoyment, as well as providing key services to the community,” Cr Reck said.
For more information, contact Council on 1300 005 872 or visit www.lockyervalley.qld.gov.au