Hail repairs on Council-owned buildings underway
The severe hailstorms that ripped through the Lockyer Valley in December 2023 certainly left their mark, and now repairs to those hail damaged buildings are underway.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council Facilities Portfolio Councillor, Anthony Wilson said the repair program has kicked off at the Withcott Sports Centre and Gatton Shire Hall.
“Many roofs of our Council-owned facilities were damaged in these hailstorms, and it’s great to now have these insurance-funded works started.
“Most buildings will require restricted access while the works are underway, while for some the access will be unavailable and we’re working with all affected user groups to advise of any disruptions.
“We certainly thank the community for its patience and understanding as these works are carried out,” Cr Wilson said.
Works are expected to be completed at the Withcott Sports Centre in April and at Gatton Shire Hall and the Gatton SES Building in May, weather permitting.
Works will also be required at the Lockyer Valley Sports & Aquatic Centre (Gatton Showgrounds), Council’s Administration Building and Depot later in the year.
For more information, visit www.lockyervalley.qld.gov.au or contact Council on 1300 005 872.