Region’s newest additions officially welcomed
It was a morning to celebrate the Lockyer Valley’s newest additions at the weekend, with Lockyer Valley Regional Council’s 9th annual Welcome Baby Celebration going off without a hitch.
The celebration, for little ones born in 2024, was held at the Gatton Library on Saturday and saw the community gather for a special morning.
Lockyer Valley Mayor, Cr Tanya Milligan said it was lovely to come together for such a joyful reason.
“For these families and their precious babies, 2024 was such a special and memorable year, which was easy to see on the faces of proud parents.
“Excited parents presented their little one to the wider community, who were warmly welcomed by everyone in attendance.
“As we have recently seen, this is an incredible community to be a part of - one that has each other’s back and I truly feel these children are off to an incredible start as a result,” Mayor Milligan said.
Each baby welcomed received a certificate from the Mayor, a Lockyer Valley Libraries First 5 Forever gift bag and enjoyed a special morning tea following the celebration.
The Welcome Baby Celebration is a project from First 5 Forever, an initiative of the Queensland Government, coordinated by State Library of Queensland and delivered in partnership with local government.
For more information, contact Council on 1300 005 872 or visit