Weekly News Briefs - 26 February 2025
Caravan changes – open for consultation
Consultation is now open for residents to have their say on the proposed amendments to Subordinate Local Law No. 1.3, which would allow residential use of caravans in limited circumstances.
The proposed amendments would allow (without the need for an approval) landowners or occupiers to let family or friends reside in a caravan on their property for up to six months in a 12-month period.
Copies of the proposed amendments are available for inspection at Council’s Customer Service Centres at Gatton and Laidley and under the Public Notice section on Council’s homepage www.lockyervalley.qld.gov.au.
Written submissions are invited until 7 March 2025 and can be lodged via email to mailbox@lvrc.qld.gov.au; by mail to PO Box 82, Gatton Qld 4343; or in person at Council’s offices.
Expression of Interest – Lockyer Valley Festival of Cultures
Council is seeking expressions of interest to hold activities, information stalls, cultural displays, or cultural performances at the upcoming Lockyer Valley Festival of Cultures.
The Festival will be held on Sunday, 25 May from 11am – 4pm at Littleton Park, Gatton.
The aim of the Festival is to celebrate all the region’s cultures and to promote intercultural connections.
If you would like to participate, register your interest at www.surveymonkey.com/r/YL6ZMNY. or ask for a registration form at Council’s Customer Service Centres in Gatton and Laidley.
Applications close 5pm, Friday 7 March.
SES information night
The Lockyer Valley’s SES unit is encouraging new volunteers to don orange overalls and lend a hand.
Whether you are interested in learning new skills, meeting new people or becoming part of a dedicated team, joining the SES is the perfect way to strengthen your skills while also giving back to the community.
The SES information night will be held from 7pm – 8.30pm on Monday, 31 March at 2 Golf Links Drive, Gatton.
Don’t miss your discount!
A 5% discount is offered to those who pay their rates in full by the due date. Rates notices were issued on 3 February 2025 and are due on 5 March 2025.
If you haven’t received your rates notice, please contact Council on 1300 005 872 or mailbox@lvrc.qld.gov.au to avoid missing the discount and/or being charged interest on unpaid rates.
International Women’s Day breakfast
Mark Thursday 6 March in your calendar and join us at the Gatton Shire Hall for our annual International Women’s Day breakfast celebration.
This year’s guest speaker is esteemed journalist and child protection ambassador, Kim Skubris.
Doors open at 6.45am for a 7am start. Tickets are $25pp and pre-purchase only (no tickets at the door). Secure yours now at www.lockyervalleytickets.com.au
Positions Vacant
Council is currently seeking applications for a range of positions, including:
- Planning Officer (Full Time, Permanent)
- 2 x Apprentice Plant Operator (Full Time, Maximum Term for Duration of Apprenticeship - Up to 3 Years)
- Procurement Advisor (Full Time, Permanent)
- 2 x Operator/Labourer (Infrastructure Operations) (Full Time, Permanent)
- Team Leader (Infrastructure Operations) (Full Time, Permanent)
To apply and for more information, visit the Current Vacancies page of Council’s website www.lockyervalley.qld.gov.au/current-vacancies
Register now for Welcome Baby Celebration
The Welcome Baby Celebration is an opportunity to introduce your baby as a valued member of the Lockyer Valley community.
If you welcomed a new baby into your family in 2024, join us for a wonderful morning of celebration and community connection.
When: Saturday 15 March, 10am
Where: Gatton Library
RSVP by Monday 10 March. Bookings essential: https://forms.office.com/r/RQAUCfJWnn