Notification of Works
Notification of Works - Rockside Mountain Road, Rockside
24 March 2025
To improve the safety and reliability of our services, Lockyer Valley Regional Council will be conducting works on Rockside Mountain Road, Rockside. These works involve removing the existing grid, that has reached its end of life and reinstating a new grid. This project aims to improve vehicle mobility and reduce the risks of potential livestock accidents.
Works will be conducted between 7.00am and 4.30pm between Monday 24th March 2025, weather permitting with traffic management in place during this time.
During this time there will be heavy machinery and construction noise. There will be limited or no access for through traffic during construction.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council apologises for any inconveniences and appreciates your cooperation during these important works. Every effort will be made to conduct these works with minimal disruption.
Notification of Works - Lyne Road, Morton Vale
March 2025 - April 2025
To improve the safety and reliability of our services, Lockyer Valley Regional Council will conduct, shoulder widening, pavement rehabilitation and bitumen seal works on Lyne Road, Morton Vale. Works are expected to take an approximate 4 weeks to complete.
The project aim is to improve road safety for the community and reduce maintenance costs by widening and renewing the current formation of the road.
Works will be conducted between 7.00am and 4.30pm between Monday 31st March and Friday 25th April 2025, weather permitting with traffic management in place during this time.
During this time there will be heavy machinery and construction noise. The project requires a road closure, with a detour and traffic management in place during works. Motorists should consider alternative routes.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council apologises for any inconveniences and appreciates your cooperation during these important works. Every effort will be made to conduct these works with minimal disruption.
Notification of Works - Mahon Bridge, Carpendale Road, Carpendale
January 2025 - August 2025
To improve the traffic safety and reliability of our services, Lockyer Valley Regional Council will be conducting construction works on Carpendale Road, Carpendale for the reconstruction of Mahons Bridge.
Scope of works include the demolition of the old bridge, installation of a new concrete bridge, and public utility relocations. The project aims to improve the roads alignment and sight distances, as well as increase the bridges load limit for the surrounding local businesses
Works will be conducted between 6:00am and 6:00pm from Monday 6 January 2025, for an approximate 7–8 month program, weather permitting, with a full road closure in place during this time.
During this time there will be machinery and construction noise. Traffic management and signage will be in place to ensure safety and minimise inconvenience. Motorist will need to seek an alternate route during this time.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council apologises for any inconvenience and appreciates your cooperation during these important works. Every effort will be made to conduct these works with minimal disruption.
Notification of Works - Biggs Road, Withcott
December 2024 - April 2025
To improve the traffic safety and reliability of our services, Lockyer Valley Regional Council will be conducting works on Biggs Road and the intersection of Taylors Road, Withcott.
Scope of works include a full pavement rehabilitation between CH830.2m - 1089.479m, intersection and culvert upgrades, a new concrete footpath, linemarking and installation of road furniture. The project aims to improve the roads alignment, sight distances and drainage in the area.
Works will be conducted between 7.00am and 5.00pm from Tuesday 10 December 2024 for an approximate 12-14 week program, weather permitting, with traffic management in place during this time.
Lockyer Valley Regional Council apologises for any inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation during these important works. Every effort will be made to conduct these works with minimal disruption.
- No capital project works at present.
- No capital project works at present.