Council displays flags in Chambers, public areas
Lockyer Valley Regional Council will now display the National Australian Flag, Aboriginal Flag and Torres Strait Island Flag in Council Chambers and relevant public areas.
Lockyer Valley Mayor, Cr Tanya Milligan said the move was adopted in a bid to further explore the region's diversity.
This is something we're really passionate about as a Council and there are so many benefits that come from recognising the diversity of our community.
The diversity we have here in the Lockyer Valley is such a selling point for us as a region and it's something that can, and does, add so much value to our community.
We want to ensure everyone feels safe and welcome at all times, while also supporting growth and resilience within the region, Mayor Milligan said.
Council will acknowledge First Nations at Council meetings and other meetings when appropriate, as well as extend an invitation to appropriate individuals to provide a Welcome to Country at significant external events.
In 2019, those who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander made up 3.9 per cent of the population and 13 per cent of the Lockyer Valley community were born overseas. It is projected that by 2031 around 63,000 people will call the Lockyer Valley home.
More than 29 languages are used in the Lockyer Valley as the primary spoken language at home, with a small number of people not fluent in English.
This is another way we can increase engagement and our connection with the wider community and encourage our community to have a voice, Mayor Milligan said.
For further information, contact Council on 1300 005 872.