Annual Report 2020-2021
Message from Chief Executive Officer, Ian Church
The achievements highlighted in this Annual Report contribute towards Council realising its vision for the region. That vision is to deliver services that enhance the liveability of our region, in a sustainable way, while embracing our diversity.
Despite the impact of COVID-19, Council continued to provide excellent customer service throughout
the year. When COVID restrictions were imposed, Council utilised its Pandemic Business Continuity Plan to ensure that service interruptions to our community were minimised. This is demonstrated by the fact that we received and dealt with 13,469 written customer requests and 27,507 phone calls during the year. Council also continued to reduce red tape through
its planning and development business improvement project. 240 development applications were lodged with Council and 201 decided exceeding statutory time frames. 1475 plumbing inspections were undertaken along with 627 building inspections.
Council continued its commitment to community engagement by completing specific engagement projects such as the Fairways Park upgrade; illegal dumping and misuse of rural bins; drought support including the Drought Support Expo; Forest Hill silos mural consultation and many more. The Natural Resource Management and Biosecurity Plans were completed during the year as were the Environment, Tourism and Economic Development Strategies. Council recognised the importance of community and sporting groups in our regions by providing them with direct financial assistance in the amount of $287,353, along with the provision of significant in-kind support.
Council continued to engage with the Queensland Government for a new hospital and improved health services within our region. Council also remained an active member of the Council of Mayors South East Queensland (COMSEQ) to ensure the Lockyer region benefits from projects initiated by COMSEQ, such as City Deals and Resilient Rivers.
Council continued its important work with the Lockyer and Somerset Water Collaborative to augment water supply for irrigation. The Collaborative released the Business Case and determined to form a Company Limited by Guarantee to continue with the next stage of the project.
Council staff also worked hard during the year to mitigate the adverse impacts of the Inland Rail Freight project and achieved a milestone by submitting a detailed response to the Helidon to Calvert Environmental Impact Statement.
In order to ensure that the journey to implement our desired values-based culture did not lose momentum, Council continued with the implementation of the recommendations of the Organisational Effectiveness Review (OER), completed towards the end of the 2019 calendar year. Council’s desired culture will have a strong focus on leadership and people with Our Corporate Values as the building blocks by which we shape behaviour.
Council experienced particularly strong revenue growth during the 2020/2021 financial year, despite predictions to the contrary based on the impacts of COVID-19. Fees and charges in all areas of Councils operations were higher than budget due to significantly increased regional development activity. This led to a particularly strong Operating result for the year of $7.71M. Council also achieved record levels of grant funding for projects from the Australian and Queensland Governments, which were able to be applied to a number of significant projects such as Fairways Park at Hatton Vale ($4M), the refurbishment of the Gatton Shire Hall ($2.08M), roadwork and footpath projects ($3.93M). Total capital expenditure for the 2020/2021 financial year was $17.25M.
At 30 June 2021 Council had $34.60M cash reserves and total debt of $21.57M, reduced from $23.08M at 30 June 2020. All long-term financial sustainability indicators remain positive.
I would like to congratulate the Mayor, Tanya Milligan, and Councillors for their leadership throughout what was a difficult year. With your support we moved further towards developing an organisation focused on providing outstanding service to our community.
I also sincerely thank the committed employees of Council who dedicate themselves to improving the liveability of the region for our residents, both present and future.