Laidley carpark works to begin soon
Lockyer Valley Regional Council will soon begin works at the IGA Laidley Carpark, designed to address damaged pavement and safety concerns.
Council’s Infrastructure Portfolio Councillor, Michael Hagan said Council would conduct tree removal and pavement repair works within the carpark.
“Due to the nature of the identified eucalyptus trees, tree roots have caused cracking in the existing asphalt and that has resulted in pavement failures.
“These trees also tend to drop limbs within storms and as a result present a major safety hazard for vehicles and pedestrians.
“By removing the trees, the condition of the pavement will have more longevity, and the community will be safer,” Cr Hagan said.
To safely complete the works, several parking bays will be fenced off and unavailable for parking for the duration of the project.
“These will be made visible through exclusion zones and signage on site, and we ask the community to be alert for these safety precautions for the duration of the works.
“Once the project is complete, more appropriate trees will be planted in the garden beds,” Cr Hagan said.
Council has discussed the project with impacted businesses and will minimise the inconvenience to patrons as much as possible.
Works are expected to begin later this month, weather permitting.
Proudly funded by the Queensland Government’s South East Queensland Community Stimulus Program in association with the Lockyer Valley Regional Council.
For more information, contact Council on 1300 005 872 or visit