Get Ready Day prize comes in handy during TC Alfred
Lockyer Valley Regional Council is applauding the community for their commitment to preparation in the lead-up, and throughout Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
Amazingly, 48,630 people combined to view Council’s Disaster Dashboard more than 178,000 times, with 78,000 views alone on Monday 10 March.
Council’s Deputy Mayor, Cr Chris Wilson said Council maintained active communications with the community throughout the event.
“Our community also engaged highly with our flood camera feeds, which had just under 263,000 views.
“While Council prepares year-round for disaster and emergency events, when an emergency like this does happen in our community, we all need to work together to protect life and property and that was certainly the case for Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
“Sandbagging was a team effort for those residents and businesses that did need it, and thanks to family, friends and strangers, it was completed in time.
“The community also rallied to get the cleanup underway as quickly as possible, which is a step in the right direction for everyone’s physical, mental and financial wellbeing.
“At our Get Ready Lockyer Day last year, a resident who participated in the Get Ready Trail Competition won prizes to help their preparedness, including a generator.
“This resident reached out to us last week to say how useful the generator was not only for herself, but her neighbours too.
“What a great outcome this is – it really goes to prove communities that are prepared for disasters bounce back quicker, and that’s exactly what we saw this time,” Cr Wilson said.
For further information, contact Council on 1300 005 872 or visit