Pre-lodgement meeting
What is a Pre-lodgement meeting?
A pre-lodgement meeting is a free meeting between prospective applicants and Council's technical staff to discuss a development proposal prior to the formal lodgement of a development application with Council.
A pre-lodgement meeting provides a prospective applicant the opportunity to discuss and receive feedback from Council on the technical aspects of a development proposal following a preliminary assessment of submitted plans and documents detailing the proposal.
There are no mandatory requirements to have a pre-lodgement meeting prior to making a development application. However, pre-lodgement meetings are encouraged by Council as the most appropriate means of dealing with enquiries of a complex or site specific nature, or where formal feedback is being sought from Council on a specific development concept or proposal plan prior to lodgement of the development application.
Pre-lodgement meetings may also provide valuable information that may assist with a development application being considered a well-made' application.
A Pre-lodgement meeting is not designed to provide a full assessment of a proposal. Rather it is designed to provide the applicant and Council with an opportunity to discuss the merits and potential points of conflict with a proposal, in order to avoid delays or unexpected circumstances during the assessment process.
Please refer to Pre-lodgement Fact Sheet for further information.
How do I arrange a pre-lodgement meeting?
To request a pre-lodgement meeting, please complete Application for Pre-lodgement Meeting form and submit with site plans and/or elevations. Plans must be received at least ten (10) business days prior to the pre-lodgement meeting.
Requests for pre-lodgement meetings can be emailed to or alternatively posted or lodged at Council offices with all the required information.